When it’s time to walk away

Just like the earth moves in specific seasons, so our lives move in a seasonal rhythm. The secret to success is knowing what season you are in and recognizing when that season has come to an end. When you operate in the right season, you’ll be operating at your best. We must understand our time.

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Steve SaucedaComment
An open letter to achievers

We fear failure and tend to believe that we’re only as good as our last accomplishment. It’s a challenge that is deeply ingrained in us. We can’t snap our fingers and magically change our way of thinking.

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Steve Sauceda
You’re more than that

For years, you might have been defining yourself by your dysfunction. Our identity can become consumed by our issues. You might have told yourself a summary of what you are and what you’re not based on the experiences you’ve had, BUT not on the potential that you carry.

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Steve SaucedaComment
Approval and Achievement

Two things drive our life: achievement and approval. You might get a glimpse of happiness from your achievements, but what you'll learn as you get older, is every time you reach one, you'll just make another goal that doesn't lead to freedom. You'll learn to realize that none of this will make you happy. The satisfaction is temporary.

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Steve SaucedaComment
Toxic Positivity - Part 1

Positivity itself is not toxic, but positivity can become toxic when we address somebody with a cliché, advice or a statement, and it leaves them feeling like they don't have room to be vulnerable, explain themselves, or share how they're feeling; when we don’t leave space for validation or understanding.

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Steve SaucedaComment
Oxygen Mask Rule

Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you don’t care about others. It means you’re smart enough to know you can’t help others if you don’t get healthy first. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

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Steve Sauceda
Fight or Flight

So many have confused the familiarity of the negative voice they hear in their head with absolute truth. You might have heard it for years, but chances are, it started lying to you on day one. Truth is an acquired taste when you’ve been eating lies all your life!

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Steve SaucedaComment
"Going beyond the headlines"

There’s a reason why people are the way they are. We are all often so quick to judge and vilify others that we don’t take time out to understand their story and motives. We step into a scene in their life and think we know the whole story.

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Steve SaucedaComment
Roadblocks vs Tollbooths

However, in our frustrations, we tend to label all hard times as a roadblock but I am challenging us to ask ourselves if the problem is actually a tollbooth. What does that mean? We might have to pause, but if we’re willing to pay the price, we can keep moving forward.

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Steve Sauceda
When it hurts to hope

Most of the time when you think of the word hope, it’s usually associated with positive things. But what about when it doesn’t? What about when the sheer thought of hoping again makes you sad, angry, resentful, and the hurts from your past start screaming in your soul? You start thinking of the disappointments, the betrayals, the loss, the rejection and the thought of hoping again is almost laughable.

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Steve SaucedaComment